Are PMDD symptoms holding you back from the life you want to live?

Do you struggle to maintain healthy relationships, keep a job, or parent effectively because of PMDD?

Are you losing 6-14 days of your life each month to irritability, rage, paranoia, self-harming behaviors, or crying spells.. you know the list goes on.

Do you know there are lifestyle & diet changes you can make to improve your cycle symptoms but are struggling to find the motivation to change habits & overwhelmed with where to start?

What if, you could learn to heal & manage your symptoms?

What would your life look like if you were not riding the PMDD roller coaster each month & spending the good weeks cleaning up the messes you created in the hell weeks?

What if, instead of feeling alone & overwhelmed when trying to commit to change, you had a support system to guide & empower you through the process?

What is Integrative Menstrual Health Coaching?

IMH Coaching is a client-centered, relational approach to working with individuals collaboratively to address their menstrual health & well-being. It acknowledges the interdependent roles of the 7 core areas of hormone health & the innate healing capacity within each person, with an emphasis on self-care. IMH is helpful in initiating sustainable health-focused behavior change to reduce, better manage, & support hormonal balance & healing. IMH Coaching includes enrollment into the PMDD Rehab course and 8 one-hour 1:1 sessions over the course of 14 weeks. You can pay in full to receive a discount our use a payment plan of $389 per month for 5 months.

ONLY 3 new client coaching slots are available each month.

I know IMH Coaching works, not only because it worked for me, but because it's working for my clients from India to the US every day.

I went from suffering through each month of my cycle for 17 years to having the motivation & energy make systematic changes that allowed & inspired me to go back to school, start a business & build a healthy relationship with my now, husband.

This means that I’ve been able to finally live the life I’ve always wanted, without being debilitated monthly by my hormonal mood disorder. 

BUT it hasn't just worked for me, it's worked for my clients. From India to the UK to Oregon menstruator's struggling with hormonal related mood disorders have used my IMH Coaching model to relieve their PMDD symptoms & get their lives back. Read & watch there stories below!

Meet your coach:

Jes is a period educator, integrative menstrual health coach, and fertility awareness method instructor. She is the chief menstruator at Her Mood Mentor where she works both 1:1 and in group settings to empower, educate, and support women in healing hormonal imbalances and reproductive mood disorders. Jes's practice is built upon an integrative medicine framework and rooted in the belief that the body has an innate capacity to heal. At Her Mood Mentor she approaches the menstrual cycle as the body's 5th vital sign and advocates for the principles of self-efficacy and body literacy. After living with misdiagnosed/undiagnosed PMDD for 17 years and hitting rock bottom within the allopathic medical system for the 3nd time it became clear that if she didn't figure out a sustainable treatment plan she would loose her life to the disorder. Jes spent the next 4 years studying and experimenting with lifestyle and diet medicine protocols. Through her education and research she has learned how to successfully self-treat and manage her PMDD for symptoms. Through Her Mood Mentor, Jes is focused on helping other's suffering from PMDD develop treatment plans, learn how to manage the episodic flareups, and experience symptom-free cycles.

Katie's PMDD Story & Symptom Transformation

Integrative Menstrual Health Coaching Client Stories

Pascaline's PMDD Story & Symptom Transformation

Gabrielle's Story & PMDD Symptom Transformation

Andreya's PMDD Story & Symptom Transformation

Brittni's PMDD Story Share & Symptom Transformation

Aarti's PMDD Story & Symptom Transformation

What clients are saying:

Since my Coaching Sessions, I've been much more in tune with my body and what it's telling me through symptoms and shifts. Tracking my cycle and noticing how it impacts specific areas of my body and mental health has been empowering and enlightening, and I really appreciate Jes's guidance around setting some attainable, measurable goals instead of feeling overwhelmed by the whole picture. Coaching gave me time, space, and permission to examine some ways I can improve my hormonal health and symptoms, and Jes's guidance made the process so much more accessible than it would have been on my own. From supplement suggestions to advice that helped me break down some limiting beliefs and work toward better intuition about my body and its needs for optimized health, I felt inspired and hopeful after IMHC!

- Kristen

Having endometriosis, it never even occurred to me that there was ANYTHING I could do to alleviate those symptoms. During Integrative Menstrual Health Coaching, I learned that I could modify my lifestyle to have a different experience hormonally was sort of mind-blowing to me. No exaggeration, my last period was completely symptom-free. I had zero cramps, no PMS, no depression, and I was actually very energetic. I had been eating and exercising to accommodate which phase I was in on my cycle, and also taking supplements every day. I’m in my luteal phase now and, despite many recent stressful life events, I am feeling really positive and capable of tackling obstacles (which has basically never been the case up until now).

- Abby

I loved my 1:1 Coaching with Jes. Her expertise on PMDD and hormone health is so vast, yet she knows just how to pace the conversation, allowing the learning journey to unfold naturally. I was familiar with PMDD but Jes has been immersed in this topic for years and was able to get to the root of how PMDD impacts my life. What I found most helpful is there are so many options for how to approach the challenges, so if one approach isn't your cup of tea, there's always something else to try! And because Jes helps you approach it at so many different angles, you get the benefit of improving your overall health (whether that be mental, physical, or sexual - there are many ways to heal on this journey). I highly recommend chatting with Jes to get helpful strategies for your symptoms and to learn more about living better with PMDD. 

- Jessica

I came to Jes's course and coaching desperately to do anything to rid myself of PMDD. Not only did I learn practical tools and strategies I could easily implement into my life, but within a month I lessened the length of time I spent in PMDD from 16 to 7 and that number keeps getting smaller. I can now say that I have made peace with PMDD and even enjoy the process of taking the steps to manage PMDD and have whole new respect for my body and how I treat it. Jes's coaching is so supportive and her course so informative. I recommend this to anyone trying to manage PMDD. You will get your life back - it's so worth it!!!


Working with Jes helped me articulate my own goals for better regulating my nervous system, working toward better hormonal health, and overall resilience and peace. I've made some practical life changes like starting to eat animal protein again, getting into a routine with supplements, and making time for daily mindfulness check-ins with myself. This coaching served as a powerful backdrop for navigating a new job, quitting that job, and rekindling old loves and the addictive patterns associated with that person. I feel like working with Jes helped set me up in the best possible way to be able to self-regulate my emotions, keep myself feeling grounded and secure, and be prepared to encounter the precarity of it all. I'm feeling really grounded in my own ability to ~be~ with myself. I am feeling a sense of self-security that is so new and liberating and powerful. Also turns out I really love summer sausage so thank the heavens for exploring new food stuff. AND, I started my period after 31 days which is the shortest cycle I've had in a really long time. Yay! Jes is an incredibly patient, wise, and compassionate coach. Her sensitivity to the nuances of holistic healing has been so helpful in supporting not only my hormonal health but my psycho-spiritual journey as well. Her energy is grounded and practical, gentle but sure, and consistently encouraging and affirming. Would highly recommend working with this human!!
- Ash

How I felt about myself changed through IMH coaching with Jes. It's easy to fall into a cycle of depression, and let the inner negativity take hold and it's hard to uproot that sometimes. I definitely needed Jes's coaching at this point in my life. It is sometimes hard to express the gravity and depth of gratitude necessary when you feel as though you owe someone your life for their services. The intangible benefits that I had working with Jes are hard to put into words. She is expertly skilled at identifying those things in yourself you may be blind to and she guides the conversation with grace. A thank you sometimes just seems so unsatisfactory regardless of how much appreciation one may express. The journey Jes takes you on is one that can significantly change your life.


"I was not wanting to live and overwhelmed by many aspects of my life with many PMDD symptoms presenting. Adding Jes to my collaborative care team was monumental and produced a huge shift in prioritizing my wellness. By focusing on one core area, which for me was nutrition, and creating manageable goals, I felt supported and began to see more holistically how one facet of my being cared for fosters increased resilience and perseverance. I look forward to continuing to work with Jes in the future!"


"IMH coaching directed my attention to where I needed to take action around my PMDD symptoms & helped me garner the motivation I needed to take that action. I was surprised to find that after just one session I was better able to manage my symptoms & some of my symptoms were less severe. I will be able to use this model of behavior change moving forward as I work through Jes's model of the 7 Core Areas of Hormone Health.


"Working with Jes gave me scientific validation about what I am experiencing and information that I needed to make changes, and she helped me set timelines to achieve my goals. Additionally, she taught me new things to research further on my own. I look forward to the educational (and relatable) content offered so I can continue to implement the things I need to feel my best."


With Jes, I became more aware and learned so much. Thanks to IMH coaching I have developed a greater awareness. I now know how to feed myself in order to reduce my symptoms. I realized that the way I fed myself was not optimal for my health and was able, with her help, to discover a better way to nurture myself. My cycles are now between 28 and 30 days, which feels like a miracle as I've had very long cycles for years. I understood how to deal better with my automatic negative thoughts, which changed the quality of my life. And more importantly, I felt understood, heard, seen, and encouraged to make positive changes. I can really say that Jes has changed the way I approach my PMDD symptoms and my life in general. I will continue to implement what she has taught me and would recommend her coaching sessions to everyone suffering from PMDD. Plus, Jes has great energy, she's empathetic and has the best smile :)
- Pascaline

I am an OB/GYN physician and finding Jes was transformational for my health as a woman. She is extremely knowledgable and highly motivated to teach her clients the things about their bodies that our education and healthcare systems are failing to do. Her approach to integrative medicine and holistic health care is what we all need more of. She is not satisfied with covering up and diminishing symptoms with band-aids; she is interested in finding the root source of a symptom and working to restore health and balance to all areas of health. She deeply understands the interconnectivity and importance of all the domains of health and doesn't limit herself to solutions that are simple and easy; she is willing to take the time and immense effort that is required to sit with her clients in the "thick of it." I am lucky to have found Jes and seen the transformation in my own health as a result of her coaching.


Jes has been an incredible support on my journey to finding peace with PMDD. Not only does she know the experience intimately, but she's also extremely knowledgable on the topic and this combination truly sets her apart. I've never felt so seen and understood since discovering I have PMDD over 5 years ago. I was pretty close to rock bottom when I started working with Jes, and her protocol, expertise, and personality really helped to turn that around. She finds a way to bring light to the darkness in a really genuine way, so much so that I cried in almost all of our calls, ha!! I still have a long way to go, but having worked with Jes I feel like I have the tools I need to manage my PMDD going forward. And knowing that she's always there if I need some guidance brings my heart so much peace! YOU'RE AMAZING JES, THANK YOU!!!


IMH Coaching gave me the awareness that I am more in control than I realized, and that there are many facets to wellness. Strengthening these areas can minimize PMDD symptoms. This holistic approach requires work on my part, and doesn't happen overnight, but it's been incredibly beneficial to me. I'm so thankful. Jes is so insightful and an excellent coach. She asks the right questions and lead me down the most helpful path. Her focus is education as well as empowerment. Also, it's evident that she truly cares. You can tell it's her passion. Thank you, Jes, for the phenomenal work you do. I highly recommend you and the

process. This holistic approach to wellness has helped me in several other areas of my

life as well...I'm falling right to sleep at night which seemed impossible. Not only are my PMDD symptoms significantly reduced, but the duration has decreased from 2 weeks to about 4-5 days. My family has noticed all of this as well, and are very happy that I'm much more myself. What a gift that is! Thanks again!
- Andreya

IMH Coaching has helped me to be more honest, vulnerable, and open about my experience. This in turn has changed my relationships to myself and to others. Taking a holistic approach to managing my symptoms has been so important to realize. Thank you from my heart. The last three months have helped me to feel more

empowered to take control of my symptoms and feel more in my power to talk and ultimately get rid of the shame around PMDD. Jes has been a kind and supportive guide and I feel less black and white about the two parts of my cycle, I'm now learning to integrate the whole of me into my month and seeing changes in many areas of my life.


Jes brings a holistic approach to intense premenstrual symptoms and does so in a way that is loving, kind, and informed. Jes clearly has taken a deep dive into all things PMDD and her passion has supported me in having my PMDD experience validated and creating actionable steps to better health. Thank you Jes!


Frequently Asked Questions

How is IMH Coaching different from the PMDD Rehab course?

IMH Coaching is a partnership between the client & the coach that works toward effectively making a specific lifestyle change in one of the Core Areas of Hormone Health. PMDD Rehab is a directive educational offer that teaches you how to heal & manage PMDD with evidence-based integrative medicine protocols.

What is the structure?

We work together 1:1 over the course of 90 days. The first session is 1.5-2 hours long and each follow-up session is 45 minutes -1 hour long.

This is an investment how can I confidently make it?

Investing in yourself may be something you've never done and that can feel extreme or frivolous but I encourage you to ask yourself what these symptoms are costing you. Are they costing you relationships, the chance of reaching your goals, or days or weeks of your life? Does the cost of the symptoms outweigh the cost of you investing in a change?

When should I start IMH Coaching?

I suggest scheduling your first session during your menstrual or follicular phases as making behavior change & building new habits is much more challenging in the luteal phase.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon enrolling in IMH coaching, you'll receive a Welcome Packet & email with further instructions.

Can I continue coaching after the initial bundle?

Absolutely! If you want to continue coaching you can book single sessions at a discount.

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

As stated in Teachable's Terms of Use, Coaching IS NOT covered by Teachable's 30-day student refund policy.